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Mike910 (Mike910)
Posted on Tuesday, October 26, 2004 - 02:13 pm:   

I wasn't in hiding, just been very sick lately. Hey tip my cap to the Sox, they never stopped playing, while the Yankees did somewhere around inning number 7 of game 4. By the way Buck and McCarver are the biggest Yankee bashers this side of Joe Morgan. So I have to laugh that the Sox fans think that those two are pro Yankee, sorry Mark. But you do know the curse is not broken until the World Series is won, that's if you believe in curses which I do not.

As far as the Moon commercial it is great, but couldn't they buck up and make a sixty second spot instead running the thirty second one back to back?

Also Dan, we run high school football on Friday nights, which is local programming, and I wouldn't want anyone on this board to bash us for being national over local, I know you guys would never do that and have never done that in the past!!(said as sarcastic as I can)

As far as Van Earl...there is only so much I can say, but I do miss Bruno, but you never know what can happen.

I know that format switches seem to be the way of life in Richmond, but it still bothers me that so many people complain about how bad a station is, then it changes formats and people lament about how the old format was never given a chance.

But Radio in general is at a crossroads. We'll see what happens after the election.

Oh and Mark, I did shave my legs, because of the Sox, yet another reason to dislike that team. Pictures on SportsRadio910.com to follow.

ESPN has the rights to pbp next season, I can't believe I am scooping playa on that one. No bidding ESPN just moved the games to their affiliate, can't blame them for that.

It leaves us open for whatever, maybe the Red Sox to keep you local guys, hey the Red Sox aren't in Richmond.

Ambulancechaser (Ambulancechaser)
Posted on Tuesday, October 26, 2004 - 03:55 pm:   

By the way Buck and McCarver are the biggest Yankee bashers this side of Joe Morgan.

Perhaps we could resort to the old saw by Ben Kenobi that this is true . . . from a certain point of view.

Nah . . . McCarver is an incredible Yankee apologist. He practically wants to carry Jeter's love child.

Anyway, glad to see you post, Mike.

Mike910 (Mike910)
Posted on Wednesday, October 27, 2004 - 02:01 pm:   

Chaser, McCarver I will give you on Jeter, he loves the guys, but hey who doesn't. Buck you can actually here the bile in his throat when he has to call a Yankee game, it makes it tough for me to watch. There is no denying that, and you can tell he plays favorites, national is not supposed to do that.

I love John Miller though, he is fair and as excited for either team, the way Vin Scully was.

I hope we can agree on that. A good pbp guy makes all the difference.

Like I said not in hiding, my home computer is on the verge of destruction, maybe from replying to all the Sox fans, plus I battled some mystery illness.

Ambulancechaser (Ambulancechaser)
Posted on Wednesday, October 27, 2004 - 05:43 pm:   


Yankee-loving-or-hating aside, I think we both agree that Joe Buck is insufferable. The fact that he's bliss compared to the awful-beyond-awful Thom Brenneman is Exhibit No. 1 in FOX Sport's endless desire to kill baseball. (Hiya, Scooter. Hey, Leon.)

Jon Miller is great. Dan Schulman, who was on your station every Sunday night, is excellent. If there's any justice, Miller and Schulman will be the two lead pbp's during the new TV contract (and Tony Gwynn and Al Leiter will be the two lead cc's).

But I long for the day of announcers who could make a game entertaining just by their ability to announce, instead of relying on gimmicks and exploding robots and FOXboxes and Right Now! graphics that tell you what the pbp guy should. Scully, Jack Buck, yes even Harry Caray. It's hard to match those guys. The dude that does the Devil Rays, IMHO, is the best in the biz, but that's probably because he married my cousin. Anyway....

Dan_Evans (Dan_Evans)
Posted on Wednesday, October 27, 2004 - 08:23 pm:   

Mike, first and foremost, I hope that you are feeling better. Now for my question for you, can you guys try to go out and also cover high school basketball ( I can hear the groans now from my fiannce). I actually think it could be a good shot because football and basketball are very popular on all 3 levels (high school, college and pro) in this neck of the woods.

Joe Buck is as ignornat as Thom Brenneman. Both belong in a booth together as the blind leading the blind. Anyone who needs proof can tune in to a NFL game that Buck is calling, Chris and Troy carry the show on the so called number 1 team for the NFC.

Dan_Evans (Dan_Evans)
Posted on Wednesday, October 27, 2004 - 11:58 pm:   


Ambulancechaser (Ambulancechaser)
Posted on Thursday, October 28, 2004 - 12:21 am:   

My almost 85 y-o grandmother, from Worchester, just told me she "made it." I certainly didn't need to ask what she was talking about. This is literally the first WS title in her lifetime for the Red Sox.

Radioguy1963 (Radioguy1963)
Posted on Thursday, October 28, 2004 - 11:45 am:   

A herd of flying elephants passed in front of the full moon last night blocking out it's warm glow and causing Hell to freeze over. In other news, the Red Sox won the World Series by beating the St. Louis Cardinals 3-0...............

Mark (Mark)
Posted on Sunday, October 31, 2004 - 12:12 am:   

Yeah, I've heard people mention Joe Buck being in the Bob Costas-Jim Nantz-Al Michaels neighborhood, and I don't think he cuts it.

I will say his wit is second to none, and that alone can get him through games. But, he relies on FOX's "throw-things-at-every-angle" graphics to tell the story. I shouldn't have to see who's on RIGHT NOW!, Buck you should tell me. And did anyone see AOL graphics pop up all over the screen FOR NO REASON! I mean it was unexplained, unexpected, and inexcusable.

Ambulancechaser (Ambulancechaser)
Posted on Sunday, October 31, 2004 - 01:36 pm:   

did anyone see AOL graphics pop up all over the screen FOR NO REASON!

I'm $ure there exi$t$ a $ati$fying rea$son for thi$.

Radiodxrichmond (Radiodxrichmond)
Posted on Monday, November 01, 2004 - 08:34 am:   

Now that the holiday's and the new year is quickly approaching...I think it is time for the 2nd annual Richmond Radio Discussion Board Awards!!!! I want y'all's input on:

Best Radio Station overall
Worst Radio Station overall
Best radio group in RIC
Worst radio group in RIC
Best morning show
Worst morning show

AND...The Radio all-star line up...(best time period for each of the frequencies. EX: Buzz@104.7, WVGO@106.5)

We'll just post this up and the results'll be at the end of the year

Dan_Evans (Dan_Evans)
Posted on Monday, November 01, 2004 - 04:01 pm:   

Chaser, I am willing to bet that since AOL is NOT the number 1 internet ISP, they got a deal with Fox to have all of those AOL ads in the middle of the games. Ad Nauseum indeed with that, what ever happened to having just the game. In one statement about the redskins, bring on Patrick Ramsey and get rid of Burnell for now, lets see how he does.

Now on to RadioX's poll, here is my votes:

Best Radio Station Overall: Well given that the best station IMHO is in Norfolk that being WPYA 93.7 Bob FM, Richmond is kind of hard for me to choose the best. I have to pick WMXB, even with the flip, they do still play some of my beloved 80's songs.

Worst Radio Station Overall: WRVQ 94.5; Hmmm, where do I start! The ONLY time I listen to it is when friends have it on, other than that, screw it!

Best Radio Group: Cox; Yes, they finally found a way to cut into Lite 98, but they still need to deal a knockout blow to The X for them to fully take over. K95 is a force, but time will tell if the wolf 93.1 will have any effect

Worst Radio Group: Clear Channel; Ok, I start with how they started the year 2000, by firing Jeff Beck, Rik Maybee, and Lisa McKay. They ran out Tara Hunter. They then proceeded to get rid of Tim Timberlake, so that way they could get rid of the last of the remnents of the WRVA days of old. Lets don't forget the XL changing to the X without telling the Dj's (very typical). I feel that WRNL, WTVR and WBTJ are basically holding up the fort there, with WRVA, WRXL, and WRVQ basically treading water.

All Star Line Up for Music

5am-10am: Jeff and Jeff
10am-3pm: Dick Hungate
3pm-7pm: Chris Bopst
7pm-12m: Rik Maybee (the Underground, nothing but Alternative from the 80's-today)
12a-5a: Kirby Charmichael (the best overnight DJ IMO in Richmond radio history!)

Hot Talk and Sports:
6a-10a: Imus
10a-12p: Larry Elder (tape delay_
12p-2p: Bill O Riley
2p-7p: Mike Maniscalco (Yes Mike, you start off my sports line up)
7p-9p: ESPN Gamenight
9p-12m: Phil Hendrie
12m-3a: Tom Leykis
3a-6a: ESPN radio overnight

The talk station will carry the Riverdogs and Braves. all of these are IMO.

One last thing, tomorrow is election day, GO OUT AND VOTE! If you don't get out and vote, then frankly you should not gripe out this country's issues! God Bless

Playa Radio (Playaradio)
Posted on Monday, November 01, 2004 - 10:00 pm:   

Hey Mike...when did you move to 2p?

Dan, do you listen to that line up straight? I mean I hope you get SOME sleep! Also, what do you mean, "The talk station will carry the Riverdogs and Braves."

Dan_Evans (Dan_Evans)
Posted on Monday, November 01, 2004 - 10:26 pm:   

Playa, that line up was my invention if I ran a sports-hot talk type station, which would have Mike on from 2p-7p. Mike is still on from 3p-7p on AM 910.

Ambulancechaser (Ambulancechaser)
Posted on Tuesday, November 02, 2004 - 12:48 pm:   

That station is missing both D&M and Lionel. Now, I can understand no D&M, since they're on vacation half the year and probably on the downslide of their careers, but no Lionel from 10p-1a? Absolutely unacceptable.

Mike910 (Mike910)
Posted on Tuesday, November 02, 2004 - 06:36 pm:   

Dan, I am glad I made the cut. I wouldn't mind that shift and I love Todd Right all night for the overnight shift. I have talked to him a few times, he is a great guy. Solid Line-up.

This might sound wierd to some, I have never heard Don and Mike, yet everyone I have met who has heard them thinks their show is great. I would do my part to live up to that line-up.

Playa, I would have no problem going the fifth hour if asked of me. I have a great crew working with me, and sometimes I only get to a few of my topics. Every Tuesday I am on 3-9, so no big deal pulling that shift. You have seemed to know about 910 then me recently so I figured you'd know before I did.

And I will have to pass on the best and worst radio stations sorry guys and girls.

I do have a question for anyone concerned, what is the right mix for a talker, I am talking local, national, and right and left, what national guys are the best.

Ambulancechaser (Ambulancechaser)
Posted on Wednesday, November 03, 2004 - 10:03 pm:   

Not weird at all, Mike. I don't think D&M were ever on in Buffalo, and they were only on here on a tin can station out of Ashland (and haven't been on there in like six months). Essentially, they're an afternoon zoo shock-jocky type of show. They're Stern without the sex-all-the-time emphasis, or Opie and Anthony without the wannabe young poseur kind of thing. They've owned DC for almost two decades, but hit their peak in the mid-90s when Infinity began syndicating them. (They were on your very own station for a few months back around 1996.) D&M are getting older and more tired now, though, and they continually fight with management, so they're on "vacation" a lot. But in their day they were something to behold, and I prefer to remember them that way.

Ambulancechaser (Ambulancechaser)
Posted on Friday, November 05, 2004 - 11:23 pm:   

By the way, Mike, I just saw you and one of the T-D sportswriters (I forget his name) on Channel 35 with the new sportscaster guy (I forget his name too!); I guess the dude has his own "Sports Reporters"-type show.

Anyway, I recall some ads you did about going to a gym or something like that . . . well, without attempting to sound weird or anything like that, you look really good, man! I recall seeing a picture of you when you first came to Richmond, and the difference seems quite apparent. Congratulations!

Dan_Evans (Dan_Evans)
Posted on Sunday, November 07, 2004 - 09:15 am:   

Chaser, no D&M is the same reason why I don't bother having stern, too much vacation time. The most recent times I have had the chance to hear Stern, it has been best of. I guess that should be a warning to Sirius subscribers that are thinking, hey we got stern LOL.

Lionel, well I think we could fit him in after mike, then go to the lineup after 10 and only have 2 hours of overnight:).

Mike910 (Mike910)
Posted on Thursday, November 11, 2004 - 02:43 pm:   

I figured I would let those interested in sports radio in the loop. Jerry got it exactly right in his column today about my possible move to the mornings. While I never want to say never, afternoon drive is the place to be in sports talk and I enjoy that slot. I thought for sure some of the other people in the know would have told me before it happened or at least posted it here.

On another note, is there any morning show that is not in Richmond that should be. Seeing Stern is on Sirius, Don and Mike seem to be on vacation and Opie and Anthony have gone the XM route...who syndicated should be here, or is there any ideas on a local show in the morning that could work?

Please no pining for the glorious past.

Ambulancechaser (Ambulancechaser)
Posted on Thursday, November 11, 2004 - 03:14 pm:   

I think you've got a good thing going in the afternoons, and it would seem something of a risk to try to translate that in the mornings, anyway.

[I guess there's a way to track this, but I'm no expert: How strong is a listenership's affinity to a show usually? If a show changes time slots, do the bulk of the listeners usually follow, changing their listening habit for the show? I would have to think that the loyalists of, well, one of the symbols of our glorious past must have had vertigo for a while, considering all the time/day switches he did. I know the Sports Junkies in DC are getting killed in the mornings, when they had a pretty good thing going in the evenings.]

Anyway, to address your question, Mike: I have no idea. I am not trying to be sarcastic or snarky here, but one thing that happens when you're "Richmond's only sports station" and you're beholden to the FOXSportsRadio crap, is your listeners don't get the chance to hear anything else.

What's V.E. Wright's deal like with FSR? It seems that he's getting killed. Maybe they'll dump him and get something more interest. Maybe the best move is to wait that mess out. When Max Kellerman jumped to FOX (or was dumped by ESPN), and then when Bruno was let go, I sort of figured that Kellerman would move in there in addition to the TV. I know people hated (and still hate) "Around the Horn," but I still rather like Kellerman. He's young, interesting, and knows his still on several sports subjects.

Ambulancechaser (Ambulancechaser)
Posted on Thursday, November 11, 2004 - 03:16 pm:   

And, for what it's worth, Stern is not on Sirius yet (not for a couple years, anyway), and Don & Mike are an afternoon drive show.

So, I don't know how this works, but I suppose Stern could be a possibility for you guys until 2006.

Mike910 (Mike910)
Posted on Friday, November 12, 2004 - 02:32 pm:   

Stern won't come here, not as long as we are owned by CC and there is a supermarket in town that wouldn't be too happy either.

Kellerman is too much like Andrew Siciliano, so I don't think he was a candidate for that. But FAN in New York run Imus in the morning there is no law that says a sports talkers morning has to be all sports.

Just trying to figure out what all of you would like or have liked. And nothing snarky about the comment at all, excellent word though...we should all say it...snarky.

Dan_Evans (Dan_Evans)
Posted on Friday, November 12, 2004 - 07:10 pm:   

OK gang, here is a list of possible shows that could land here that are syndicated, IMHO...

Lex and Terry: They could have the ratings boost needed to gain points on the X with Elliot

Bob and Sherri: Charlotte loves these two, and if WCUL goes Hot AC, they would be a good pick up for syndication for AM drive.

Lionel: A great INDEPENDENT talker in a field of conservatives, he was on WRVA before getting knocked off for savage, beck etc.

Larry Elder: The sage of South Central L.A., known for moderate, libertarian views. A great guy who also is highly intellegent.

Phil Hendrie and Tom Leykis: 2 controversial, independent hot talkers that take on topics of the current day.

Tony Kornheiser: That's right folks, he is back on the air, and his show will no longer be interrputed for sports center updates that highlight what happened last night.

Ambulancechaser (Ambulancechaser)
Posted on Friday, November 12, 2004 - 11:47 pm:   

Mike910, that's right, I forgot that Stern is on his CC-is-devilspawn kick. And, like you say, the the Brothers Ukrop are lying in wait, too. Oh well. At any rate, Mike, maybe you guys could run whatever morning show Sporting News Radio has to offer? (Peter Brown? Is that right? Used to be on with Tony Bruno way back when on ESPN Radio?) Anyway, chances are the navigational beacon from Die Hard II would be more interesting to listen to than Sporting News Radio. Scratch that idea.

Dan, I listed to T.K. Stack Money today on the internet. I don't think the WTEM local show will ever be syndicated, but he said he hopes to be on XM by next year. By the way, today's show was definitely interrupted for SportsCenter updates that highlighted what happened last night. The only difference was "Andy Pollie" was doing the updates instead of "The Duke."

Finally, is G. Gordon Liddy on anywhere in Richmond anymore? I know 1480 is continuing in the 990 tradition of B-List righty-talkers (well, I guess Hannity isn't B-List and Imus is Imus, but the others definitely are). I kind of miss Liddy. It's amazing that 990 (well, 1480) has gone from Imus-Tony K-Liddy-Jim Jacobs to what it's got today. Yuck. And, just for the record, Mike Gallagher is at least C-List, maybe L-List. He sucks so much he's fun to listen to.

Mark (Mark)
Posted on Monday, November 15, 2004 - 01:27 pm:   

(DISCLAIMER: This is just the way I see it :))For a Sports Radio morning show to succeed here, it would have to include (at least) two guys who know A LOT about the males' interest in Central VA. They would mix national & local sports topics with the hot news topics of the morning, and would have to be very witty and sometimes irrelevant. That would be a great morning show here, because Big Al can be very boring at times. Richmond AM sports radio needs a shot in the arm...badly.

P.S.: I miss my Extravaganza...

Dan_Evans (Dan_Evans)
Posted on Thursday, November 18, 2004 - 05:32 pm:   

OK guys, VARTV is reporting a major shuffle. Praise 99.3 goes to 104.7. Kiss 104.7 goes to 105.7. 99.3 is simulcasting 105.7(for now). Catch is this, it's unsure how this effects the Redskins being on 105 LOL. Power 92 is not moving, for now. The only advice I can give to radio one is DO NOT try to bring back the non stop hip hop format, that died off fast.

Ambulancechaser (Ambulancechaser)
Posted on Friday, November 19, 2004 - 06:54 pm:   

Well, I hope that the Skins don't move away from 105.7. That's a nice FM signal, although I wished they'd jump to the pregame a little sooner.

By the way, the far more entertaining blurb on VARTV is the link to the video of the TV-6 news reporter letting fly a curse word and then the classic reaction shot from the two anchors. (I don't watch Channel 6; I've always been a Channel 12 guy, although the quality there really seems to have dropped in recent years. Nevertheless, while the video clip is entertaining, I hope this doesn't hurt the reporter's career.)

Dan_Evans (Dan_Evans)
Posted on Friday, November 19, 2004 - 09:37 pm:   

Chaser, I saw that clip and laughed so hard I almost cried. I too, have been a 12 guy when it comes to the news, just wait 2 more years, Ben, Gene, Sabrina and Jim will be together for 20 years as a team. It is remarkable that a news team has lasted so long, given that 6 and 8 are revolving doors.

Mark (Mark)
Posted on Sunday, November 21, 2004 - 03:57 pm:   

Yes, I bet that Tim Trudell is just "a little" embarrassed. Yeah, I just wished that NBC12's graphics would be on par with WAVY 10 or another market leader. To be tops in billing every year and not have better on-air presentation (AND NO DOPPLER RADAR!) is a shame.

Dan_Evans (Dan_Evans)
Posted on Sunday, November 21, 2004 - 04:51 pm:   

Okay folks, for the time being, the redskins are on 105.7 Kiss FM. Now with that done for at least this season, will the redskins go to AM 910, AM 950, or stay on kiss next year. There will be talk of it I am certain at season's end (which the way it's looking, won't mean a playoff). As for the switching, don;t get me wrong, the gospel station is doing very well, but I question getting rid of jammin oldies period.

Mark, one of the reasons why 12 is on top is because the core of the team: Gene, Sabrina, Jim and Ben have been together for 18 years. Yes with the technical advances in weather tools, they should have upgraded by now.

Ambulancechaser (Ambulancechaser)
Posted on Sunday, November 21, 2004 - 07:16 pm:   

It's my understanding that the 'Skins prefer to hook up with FM affiliates, given that WJFK-FM is its flagship. I don't know any of the technical stuff, but the rationale seems to be that an FM-FM conversion sounds better than an FM-AM one. Weren't the 'Skins on XL-102 (or whatever the hell CC has branded it now)? Maybe they'll go there? Or the Planet? Or one of the country stations? I'd imagine the 'Skins rights would be a nice property here.

As for Channel 12, I'd guess some of it is that NBC has seemingly always found effective 10 pm programming to lead into the local news, but I agree that "brand loyalty" to Gene & Sabrina has to be a large part of it. Over 20 years, they've become a well-established team---Gene as the old curmudgeon and Sabrina as the "good guy." No other combo has that history or chemistry; for pete's sake, Channel 8's got the former Circuit City divix pitch man as its lead male anchor!

Buddy (Buddy)
Posted on Sunday, November 21, 2004 - 11:40 pm:   

XL turned down the Skins and took Nascar. I know, I was there and had to try to sell it.

I too would like to send kudos to Gene and Sabrina. Brand loyalty and consistancy wins. Problem with local radio is that shortsighted local budget trumps all.

Also many decisions are made out of town where understanding why people are loyal the true value of a show is underestimated or misunderstood.

I watched focus group tapes about Jeff and Jeff before, during and after all the changes were made and they were overwhelmingly positive. The powers that were ( and they were all later canned ) ignored their own research so as to kowtow to the party line. In the end, all that hard work from the Jeffs and the sales staff went down the tubes. A lot of people's lives were effected and Richmond radio was dealt a blow that it has still yet to recover from.

So, congrats to 12 for keeping the Gene and Sabrina team together. They'll never win a Pulitzer, but they've already won hearts and minds and isn't that what's it's really all about?

Quick question, somebody told me that one of the Jeffs was back in the hospital. It can't be Beck. Anyone know what's up?

Radiodxrichmond (Radiodxrichmond)
Posted on Tuesday, November 23, 2004 - 09:39 am:   

Sorry for being away for awhile...

IMHO, the best and worst in RIC Radio for 2004

Best radio move: MainQuad switching 107.3 and 100.3 to oldies, it was a no-brainer, but still a great idea.

Best radio station: I would have said B-103, but that's gone now, so I would say either Y-101 or 93.1 the Wolf...both have relatively diverse playlists, which is cool

Worst radio station: Either Q-94 or Mix 103-7. Both are pretty cruddy

Best station cluster: MainQuad, by far. They went from a third-rate cluster to a real-contender

Ambulancechaser (Ambulancechaser)
Posted on Wednesday, November 24, 2004 - 07:25 am:   

VARTV is reporting that 4M's stations have been sold to the Davidson Group, so no more "Radio Richmond," I guess; VARTV seems to indicate that Davidson is pretty heavy into non-English stuff.

Anyone know anything more specific about what this means to 1480, 990, etc.?

Radioguy1963 (Radioguy1963)
Posted on Wednesday, November 24, 2004 - 02:56 pm:   

Just so that you will know, WKSK-FM South Hill, VA was finally granted it's "License to Cover" on 11/17/2004. It is now offically licensed on 101.9 and this should clear the way for WCUL (or whatever) on KSK's old frequency 98.9. Happy Turkey Day!

Dan_Evans (Dan_Evans)
Posted on Wednesday, November 24, 2004 - 06:46 pm:   

First and foremost, Happy Thanksgiving to ONE and ALL from my family to yours.

RadioGuy, that's great news for mainquad, but now of course I have to play devil's advocate and say first quarter of NEXT year for WCUL 98.9 to come on the air, mainly because right now they are busy getting airstaff for 93.1 the Wolf. I am still hoping for a HotAC-Classic Hits format, but if the rumor is true, we will be stuck with the HotAC and not the BOB type format.

I would assume since RR had a Spanish station already in the mix, Davidson Group won't change the formats on any of the stations, even though they did get rid of Fox Sports Radio in Norfolk.

VARTV (Vartv)
Posted on Wednesday, November 24, 2004 - 10:52 pm:   

First quarter 2005 for 98.9 sounds like a good bet...

Curious to see if Davidson does anything to the former 4M stations...

Dan_Evans (Dan_Evans)
Posted on Sunday, November 28, 2004 - 12:39 am:   

Okay, I don't see davidson doing anything to what was the radio richmond group of stations. Although Chaser and I would love to see the return of LIONEL fully, hate to say this, but davidson won't be doing that.

A few out of town stations are fliping to the BOB format and are getting popular with it, so in the spirit of playing ANYTHING, here are 10 songs I would play, at any given minute.

Eyes Without A Face- Billy Idol
Groove Me- King Floyd
Hollywood Swinging- Kool and the Gang
Rocky Raccoon- The Beatles
Under the Milky Way Tonight- The Church
Because I Love You- Lenny Williams
Allison Road- Gin Blossoms
Eyes Without A Face- Billy Idol
Shock Me- Kiss
Alice's Restaurant- Alro Guthrie

OK, maybe I went too obscure there, but hey I can dream it right LOL. In all seriousness, I think that WCUL would benefit from the diversity, if it took the BOB route. Hot AC would sink it fast because Q went to back to mainstream CH. If you have a variety filled station, with jocks that believe in the music and promoting the music on the station, and not as much the suits, you can get a loyal following!

Radiomarch (Radiomarch)
Posted on Thursday, December 02, 2004 - 07:14 am:   

Hello forum! Just wanted to say hello to all and hope all enjoys a wonderful holiday. A special note to Mike910. I know I wasn't the best board op for you but at the time I was experiencing a very difficult hardship in regaurds to my son and my son's mother. It was not a good time for me to take on a new job and Randall Bloomquist did not treat me right. He offered me a job (producing Alan Price's Show) and the 1st day I showed up for work he re-nigged on the job he offered me. Randall then jerked me around for 6 months and then fired me. I am not mad about this but I want to say that I am A much better employee that I was given credit for. Mike, I think you are a good guy. Keep it up. But I also have to say that I don't think you gave me enough credit for what I am worth. You never gave me a mic in your studio, but I have a Mic now and I have had a Mic since 1988. I have actually been in this business much longer than you and I do a fine job on the air. I want no hard feelings, but I would like for you understand and realize the contributions I could have made if Randell was not so schiztophrenic. In addition; hello room! I would love to participate in the discussions. Just wanted to clear the air first on some reality. I am a decent jock and I love this business. I welcome any comments and would love to hear from all of you.

marchaley (Radiomarch)
Posted on Thursday, December 02, 2004 - 07:42 am:   

PS. I am sorry I forgot to indentify myself. I am Marc Haley and can be heard on 1073 FM (WBBT). And BTW... after over 16 years of being in this crazy business of radio I have only been fired once...by Randall Boomquist. I Think that speaks for itself. I hope to make friends here. Just wanted to set the record strait of my track recored and performance. I have enjoyed many years on the air in this town including B-1037; 96.5 The Planet, 106.5 WVGO, and many more. Take care all and I hope we can all talk soon!

Mike910 (Mike910)
Posted on Thursday, December 02, 2004 - 02:57 pm:   


I think it was just bad timing for you at 910. I have no hard feelings towards you or your ability, good to see you landed on your feet, I just think some guys are FM guys and some are AM. Not the first time that people didn't click when working together. For the record, Salt didn't get mic time for a while on the show. As for not letting you crack a mic, that was the based on letting you get the format down first, if you ever want to talk about how things went down send me an e-mail: mike@sportsradio910.com . I do feel that blasting away in public is in poor taste, but do what you feel you have to. You landed on your feet and are probably in a better place for it. I also think it is funny how everyone blames Randall for all the ill in radio. He was never schizo with me, was always upfront and honest. Of course I can only speak how he treated me, I can see how he ruffled a few feathers, there are people on this board that know when you try to change things it is going to be met with a lot of resistance.

Chaser you are right...

As far as the Skins, they do prefer an FM signal for their affiliates, at least that is what I have been told. I hope everyone enjoyed Thanksgiving. Looking forward to the new year and talking to more of you!.


Dan_Evans (Dan_Evans)
Posted on Thursday, December 02, 2004 - 07:01 pm:   

First up for mike, thanks for taking my call about baseball and UVA basketball, it was a blast to actually speak to you for 3 minutes :). I have to admit I was slightly tense before I got on, but then I remembered a major rule of talk...3 minutes of a good caller is better than 1 minute of a bad caller. 1 minute of a bad caller makes you loose listeners, whereas 3 minutes of a good caller helps build more of a auidence.

Secondly to Chris, as always, your show is the most unique musically, it was great to get home early enough to talk to you briefly and hear something else besides Christmas music at work via, muzak. BTW guys, music + Porzac= MUZAK. The biggest stunner you dropped this afternoon had to be the theme from different strokes.

Marc, welcome to the board.

Chaser, I am thinking 105.7 will keep doing the redskins next year. As for our beloved redskins, this year was a rebuilding year, Rome was NOT built in a day, but in a year or 2, can you say playoffs, I think it might happen.

God Bless, hope everyone had a great thanksgiving!

Ambulancechaser (Ambulancechaser)
Posted on Thursday, December 02, 2004 - 07:05 pm:   

Speaking of blasting in public . . . well, maybe I shouldn't say this but . . .

Anyway, my "afternoon listening preferences" (not really rigid, actually---I don't get a whole lot of time to listen in the office, mainly on the ride home or when making dinner if FOX35 is airing recent crappy "Simpsons" shows) are such that I sort of jump around between "All Things Considered," Mike's show and Greg Burton's show. All three have their merits, and I won't get into the which ones I listen to more than the others.

I generally like Burton's show. He's got his annoying habits, sure, but everyone on radio does, right down to Carl Kassel's dentures clicking all along the morning drive. One thing about his show that I do not appreciate, though, is when the occasional yokel out there makes a crack at, well, the other afternoon drive sports show. Burton will let the comment slide and then thank the caller for listening and move on to more substantive aspects. Now, there are guys out there who will call in to trash another host all over the place; Lord only knows when Big Al was fired by 910 a few years ago, the flood gates were really opened---with defenders and virulent haters alike trying to make WRNL into an open forum on the subject. (Poor Robert Fish; he was doing the Sports Huddle at the time, and I can only imagine how repetitive that must have been.)

Well, this is getting lengthy, but my point is that I would very much like to see Burton not even dignify such calls at all. My objection isn't really because Mike posts here now and seems like a really decent guy, although in truth he does seem like a decent guy. Rather, I object to Burton's treatment of these callers (in truth, a pretty infrequent occurrence) because I really believe that WXGI should be above this kind of radio "politics of personal destruction."

At least in public, that is the entirety of Randall Bloomquist's stay in Richmond: He would trash anyone in the paper, taunt disenchanted listeners by sardonically commenting that "they can always listen to WLEE," etc. I've never met the guy, though I did exchange a couple of (Lionel-oriented) emails with him, and yes, he was very nice to me. He can't possibly be the monster that he's been puffed up to be, but he did bait many people into anger here.

As a result of his legacy, I think many people (perhaps myself included) have a core irrational mistrust of 910 now. I find Mike's show quite listenable and regard it as consistently improving, but there are still times I chafe at the thought of the neat little local station that was spit upon. Well, blowing that station up, I would imagine, was a good business decision; whatever the reason and result, though, Mike wasn't there at the time---and he should be judged independently of that whole mess.

Which leads me back to my point. These vocal callers into Burton's show are behaving no better than the Bloomquist Ghost did. It is hypocritical of anyone from 950 to indulge that crap. In sum, the next time Burton gets one of those calls, he should dump the person straight away and then issue a moritorium on such calls.

(PS: I know Mike has said he and Greg Burton have had a good relationship. I do not wish to try to place a rift between the two shows, but I am not so naive as to think that I could or that the competing stations don't listen in on each other.)

Ambulancechaser (Ambulancechaser)
Posted on Thursday, December 02, 2004 - 07:23 pm:   

I remembered a major rule of talk...3 minutes of a good caller is better than 1 minute of a bad caller.

I've never called in to a show before, can't imagine myself ever doing it. If I'm going to talk about any subject, I sure as hell want more than 90 seconds (or 3 minutes or whatever) to do it.

But if I'm going to listen to a caller, I'd rather listen to a "nervous" Dan talk about UVa than a pre-prepared "take" by some loser named "Silk Br'a." ;-)

Dan_Evans (Dan_Evans)
Posted on Thursday, December 02, 2004 - 07:37 pm:   

A good host can tell the difference between a actual listener with opinions, and someone who has nothing more than talking points. Mike and his producer knew by what points i was making in that space i was allowed, that it was direct from me, and not from the talking points of what other hosts had on today. Chaser, thanks for the compliment about hearing me talk :).

If something really gets me upset about Rush Limbaugh, it's that all he does is talk over the Republican party talking points. Good Bush, bad Democrats. Michael Savage at least bashes all parties. I have talked in Rush's show, and basically got yelled at for not being what he called a TRUE republican. Savage called me a liberal republican, but said that I could get a copy of one of his books for being a good caller that backed up a position.

God Bless and see you guys later on!

marchaley (Radiomarch)
Posted on Thursday, December 02, 2004 - 10:02 pm:   

Hey Mike and all! Just wanted to say that I am sorry if it seemed as if I was "Blasting away in public". I never meant that to be the reception of my post. Yes, Mike you are right. It was bad timing for me to accept the job at Clear Channel at that time. I actually was offered that job twice before and politefully declined. I just wanted for you, Mike, to know that I really am better than what I was when working at CC. I just had distractions keeping me from being focused. That was my point I was trying to get across. I am back on the FM and again Mike, you are right that some people are meant for FM and some for AM. I am just happy that I am back on the radio because it is what I love to do. Next week I will be doing mornings on our Oldies station. I am not sure what is about to happen but things are definately changing at MainQuad. I'll let you all know what is going on if you all want the info as it comes in. One possibility is that me and Kelly might be doing mornings together. Not sure but the prospect was brought up to me today. On another note; Dan thank you for welcoming me to the board. I hope to bring positive comments and recieve positive responses as well. Sorry if I was a little rough at first(my bad). Take care all; and Mike I wish you and your wife well. BTW I just got married 3 months ago! (yeah, my son's mom is pissed about it but me and my new wife are very happy!) I hope that we can all be friends.

Dan_Evans (Dan_Evans)
Posted on Thursday, December 02, 2004 - 10:34 pm:   

Marc, we know that 93.1 is going to hopefully get ratings with the Country that rocks format. I am personally waiting to see what Mainquad does with 98.9 when it hits the airwaves next year. The oldies station seems to be doing ok, as lite 98 is NO longer the top rated station in town, due to 107.3 going oldies and a slight part of it being 103.7 going soft AC.

marchaley (Radiomarch)
Posted on Thursday, December 02, 2004 - 11:20 pm:   

From what our response has been so far "The Wolf" is already proving to be very succesfull. Jeff Beck (from Jeff and Jeff)is programming the station and about 99% of our response has been positive. I have not been told anything but "we"(being myself and my co-workers) think that MainQuad will simulcast "The Wolf" on the 98.9 signal until we drive listeners to that signal. I personally hope that is what happens. After that "we" think that MainQuad will do something else with the 93.1 (Old smooth Jazz) signal. "We" still don't have a clue as to what MainQuad might do with the WHAP station we just bought. All I can say is that I hope am a part of whatever happens. Whatever happens I will let you all know. Oh yeah...thank you all for welcoming me to the discussions. I look forward to continuing to contribute and I look forward to your responses. In the coming week I believe I will learn more. If not, stay tuned as MainQuad is beginning to make an impact. I also hope to continue to be a part of that impact. Take care friends!

Mike910 (Mike910)
Posted on Friday, December 03, 2004 - 10:47 am:   


I wish I had more time to give to good calls, what I love about radio is the give and take, most hosts just want to say they are right and prattle on. (And Yes I am guilty of that.) But when it is a good call I would love to take 5 minutes. However, the clock has more to do with how long a call goes than what I want. Dan you made great points and didn't sound nervous at. And if you want to talk baseball, you can call anytime you want, Salt might not let you on...But you can call.

Chaser, I don't think you are causing a rift between Greg and myself. I really do like Greg. Based on our schedules I don't get to hear him much due to that, but there are going to be callers who trash me based on what you said. But as Johny Depp says in Pirates of the Carribean, paraphrasing a bit..."They have heard of me!" But this is part of the business, I don't think Greg encourages that, he is a pro. You are right about the 90 second thing, but e-mails are encouraged too!

Marc, it was never doubting your ability, but you know in radio you have to jump through hoops to get the next place. I am glad to hear that you are happily married...when it works marriage is a wonderful thing.

As far as talk goes, you are not going to make everyone happy, I just try to entertain as best as possible, come up with valid points and have fun. There are some guys out there who won't give you a chance but there is no use worrying about them. And With Randall, he did his job the best way he knew, he did step on toes and change things dramatically but he was also brought to Richmond to do just that. He had to get attention for the station he took over and even if it was negative, he got that attention. I think htere are pros and cons to doing business that way, but like me and my show, I do the job the best way I know how to.

Have a safe and happy Holiday Season.

Radiodxrichmond (Radiodxrichmond)
Posted on Monday, December 06, 2004 - 11:00 am:   

It makes sense why The Wolf would move to 98.9. If you see, 93.1's calls are still WJZV. Could this mean a return to Smooth Jazz after 98.9 signs on? Or even a return (crossing my fingers) of Star with a few fewer 80's and more modern stuff...hmmm

VARTV (Vartv)
Posted on Wednesday, December 08, 2004 - 05:49 am:   

Dump a format to debut a new format then move the new format to a new and stronger signal then reintroduce the old format on the old signal... Seems highly unlikely...

Honestly though, what could MQ do with 93.1? Remember, Smooth Jazz was performing poorly recently.

I think Country stays on 93.1 unless it can grab decent numbers and I mean decent...

Radiodxrichmond (Radiodxrichmond)
Posted on Wednesday, December 08, 2004 - 09:04 am:   

I dunno, though...They could have heard some rumblings about CC filpping something. But, that's highly unlikely...I would agree.

As for 93.1, I still feel the country format will move to 98.9...I know it sounds dumb, but I think they would have changed calls by now.

My prediction is that if they flip calls to something more Wolfy (Like: WLFV...umm...I couldn't think of any others) then it would be safe on 93.1 (Which is good for me, because I can't pick up 93.1 and I'd rather have a new format on 98.9)

Dan_Evans (Dan_Evans)
Posted on Wednesday, December 08, 2004 - 05:06 pm:   

I can pick up 93.1 here, east henrico, and I have to agree with VARTV editor, for them to move it to 98.9 and bring back jazz on 93.1 is odd, but stranger things have happened here, look at what was cool 106.5 the day before it came on, it was playing tv themes. As for decent ratings, this station can pull some from both k95 and the planet, the planet might lose some southern rock fans. Until we find out otherwise, 98.9 will either be a straight hot-Ac or a HotAC-classic hits format. That is my prediction, knowing that 910 won't dump fox sports and with what WXGI is doing with espn, they would not be smart to dump that format. If anything, WXGI can go espn all the time, with the gospel stuff to leave on sundays.

Ambulancechaser (Ambulancechaser)
Posted on Wednesday, December 08, 2004 - 06:15 pm:   

If anything, WXGI can go espn all the time, with the gospel stuff to leave on sundays.

Unless I'm incorrect, I believe WXGI already has . . .

Dan_Evans (Dan_Evans)
Posted on Wednesday, December 08, 2004 - 07:34 pm:   

Chaser, you are, what I meant to say was that they should drop the gospel on sunday mornings, which they probably won't do out of respect to their listeners.

Ambulancechaser (Ambulancechaser)
Posted on Wednesday, December 08, 2004 - 09:39 pm:   

Ah, gotcha.

I kind of like the gospel. It's not my religious tradition, but I would find it more soothing to listen to on a Sunday morning than, say, NASCAR talk on WRNL.

It doesn't get any better, however, than "This American Life" on Sunday mornings.

Mike910 (Mike910)
Posted on Thursday, December 09, 2004 - 04:48 pm:   

You guys are up on Sunday mornings? That's hardcore. The Sunday morning format for talkers has always been the place for the religious programming. So is that the hot rumor 910 is flipping? That might explain why they cleaned the studio the other day.

Frank_Dreben (Frank_Dreben)
Posted on Thursday, December 09, 2004 - 07:10 pm:   

I don't know if any of you have heard about David Brudnoy, but he is dying of cancer and there is a very good audio interview on the WBZ web site.

I have listened to him here in Richmond when WBZ comes in. I was always impressed with how he came across. You gotta give the guy points for how he is handling this.

Dan_Evans (Dan_Evans)
Posted on Thursday, December 09, 2004 - 07:25 pm:   

Time for my predictions for 2005 for richmond radio, bear in mind, these are only predictions.

88.9: Will be more of the same, the pledge breaks will end a day earlier than usual though

90.1: Retains the cult status of the only college station listed in richmond as a radio station

92.1: The way power's ratings have PLUNGED of late to 106.5 The Beat, Power might go Jammin Oldies by next December

93.1: Will stay Country that Rocks and the call letters will be WWLF

94.5: Q94 will stay the same, blah blah blah blah blah

95.3: K95 will be in a war with WLLF, country that ROCKS!

96.5: Will loose the morning drive when in a upset, Jeff and Jeff do MORNING DRIVE on the Wolf

98.1: Will still be the top ranked station in town

99.3: Will go all hip hop again, because the Power switch to jammin oldies puts a dent in the listeners under 24

100.3: Will remain oldies, Joe and Ruth Kelly will move to ESPN 950 or Fox Sports Radio 910

101.1: Will stay all alternative with the X all next year, Lex and Terry become the morning show

102.1: Elliot gets fired from CC because DC 101 goes spanish, They try to do something local in the am for a change, bringing back our friend Lucas Fox

103.7: Will end up dumping Soft AC for AAA to take a edge off of 98.9, which will be Hot AC-Classic Hits

104.7: Will be in the top 5 as the MAJOR gospel station in town

105.7: Will keep the skins. GO SKINS!!

106.5: Will stay the same, in all ways

107.3: Will stay oldies and a constant in the top 10

As I mentioned, 98.9 will be the HotAC-Classic Hits format, it's ranking next fall will be in the top 10

910 AM: Mike will be in a tight race, but will even beat out Mac Watson on WRVA

950 AM: Will get tired of the same old show from Big Al, and merge his show with Burton in the afternoon drive, Mike and Mike will be on from 6-10

1140: They will DROP Dr Laura and bring in a old favorite; LIONEL.

1480: Will drop a bulk of their line up after hannity. It will be Phil Hendrie, Tom Leykis and Larry Elder, to compete with 1140

Lets all have a safe and merry christmas and a happy new year!

Ambulancechaser (Ambulancechaser)
Posted on Thursday, December 09, 2004 - 08:15 pm:   

You guys are up on Sunday mornings? That's hardcore.

Not that hardcore; I'm up on Sunday mornings 'cuz I teach Sunday school to a bunch of high school kids. :)

And Dan, I love the re-insertion of LIONEL! to the Richmond weeknight scene. Now we're getting somewhere! (PS: Is Mac Watson the guy on WRVA? Man, that time-slot has gone from annoying, to whining, to irrelevant. Is that good or bad?)

Ambulancechaser (Ambulancechaser)
Posted on Thursday, December 09, 2004 - 08:17 pm:   

BTW, has 1480 been on for a ratings book yet? I can't imagine it gets a whole lot of play, but then again, this seems to be a good area for conservative talk. And dcrtv did note that Laura Ingraham was doing pretty well in DC, so maybe she's doing well here, too.

Dan_Evans (Dan_Evans)
Posted on Thursday, December 09, 2004 - 10:45 pm:   

Chaser, I still like the idea of us doing 3-7. Fresh topics of the day, 2 unique minds, and the callers that are upset because 2 hosts don't agree with Rush 24-7. I think the major problem with WRVA's 3-7 is that all the hosts since Jim Jacobs left have been basically nothing more than guys who would love to bear Rush's love child. Michael Graham and Alan Price did however not back away from critizing area government, neither does Waston for that matter. All of it though, is slanted so far to the right, there is NO average out of it in the middle. The good thing about Savage is that he bashes all parties, including Bush.

VARTV (Vartv)
Posted on Friday, December 10, 2004 - 07:57 am:   

The WLFV calls are available... :-)

The Gospel format is hot right now. Praise 104.7 in the Top 5 (12+) looks easy... But Top 3? All the way?

Mark (Mark)
Posted on Friday, December 10, 2004 - 10:57 am:   

Great predictions Dan, especially about Big Al. Throw in today's news and it's the SAME EXACT show from Sports Radio 910 days.

How about the return of the Big Show on 'RVA huh? OK, just dreaming...

Frank, about Brudnoy, I listened to the last interview on WBZ, and it was really moving. I heard so many good things about his show, but I could never catch it. I wish I did now, because hearing clips of old shows only give me a small idea of how good the show was.

Word is going around the Jim Rome show won't be on in D.C. much longer. SportsTalk 1260, the offspring of SportsTalk 980, will be flipping to Air America on January 20th. So, if Rome went on for hours and hours about his first hour being cut off by Kornheiser, what's he gonna say about not being on at all?

Ambulancechaser (Ambulancechaser)
Posted on Friday, December 10, 2004 - 04:58 pm:   

Dan: I'm game if you are. But we'll need advertising. Maybe we can steal the "Woodfin Watchdog Player of the Week" from Big Al. :)

Mark: We can always dream, remembrances of the "long lost glory days" notwithstanding. Jacobs ("JacobsJacobsJacobsJacobs") was the last interesting host WRVA had---not a stuntman like Allen Price, or a purported humorist like Michael Graham, or whatever Watson's persona is. Jacobs was just an interesting guy. I miss him.

One last note, from dcrtv's mailbag:
The Steve Czaban show is moving from nights to mornings starting in January. He is taking the place of Mark Patrick on Sports. He will be on live from 6am-9am. The Fox morning show will lose an hour and start at 9am-12pm.

Great. The last listenable show from FSR (nationally syndicated, I mean---not counting Mike's show) is soon gonzo. Mark Patrick's John Facenda-voiced "Rudolph the Red Nosed Raid-ah" is quality holiday radio!

Czaban is . . . well, Czaban. Occasionally entertaining, often just idiotic. It's funny that WTEM-DC's two main guys, Czaban and Andy Pollin, are, from all appearances, really hated by a significant portion of WTEM's listeners.

Ambulancechaser (Ambulancechaser)
Posted on Friday, December 10, 2004 - 05:01 pm:   

Word is going around the Jim Rome show won't be on in D.C. much longer.

Clear Channel owns WTEM, and Clear Channel owns Rome's syndicator. I don't think it's a stretch to think that TK Stack Money will be a 9-12 guy soon, with Rome taking up 12-3 and Patrick or local programming bottom feeding the hour after that.

Looks to me like what WRNL did to bring Rome on will eventually bring Rome back to WTEM.

Dan_Evans (Dan_Evans)
Posted on Saturday, December 11, 2004 - 09:53 am:   

VARTV, praise will probably just be in the top 5, in number 4 or 5 rank, although the station was doing great with a buzz into the top 10, this prediction was made because of the move to the 100,000 watt signal in Crewe.

No I don't want to have Rush's baby, I want to be the father of Ann Coulter's child LOL.

OK, How about if we ditch Hannity, ok forgot about the new contract he just signed, but in his place comes the return of the Big Show with Jim Jacobs, who yes was very entertaining and basically was more of the type of guy who welcomed you into his home everyday :).

Ambulancechaser (Ambulancechaser)
Posted on Saturday, December 11, 2004 - 02:42 pm:   

I want to be the father of Ann Coulter's child LOL.

Yeesh. I don't know what's more unattractive: the raving lunacy, the 40ish woman trying to pull off the "Matrix tight leather" look, or the fact that she looks like a horse. I guess she just ain't my type. But to each his own, I say. ;)

Dan_Evans (Dan_Evans)
Posted on Sunday, December 12, 2004 - 12:35 am:   

Chaser, I was kidding about Ann Coulter, note the Laugh Out Loud beside that remark, although I would date Coulter before I date Thor. Besides, I am engaged,as this board knows, happily I might add. Oh and the last thing I need is a bush cheerleader as a wife, given that I bash both parites, being a independant.

For those who keep scratching their heads about who is Larry Elder, he is a libertarian talk show host out of LA. He has his own daily talk show, which I wish could be political as well. He also does work for KCAL 9 out of LA, doing a 7 minute live fourm along with his listeners on KABC radio. He is a liberal compared to Michael Savage, but retains his passion for life.

Mike910 (Mike910)
Posted on Sunday, December 12, 2004 - 06:11 am:   

Chaser, I like Czab a lot. Give him a shot in the mornings he used to be outstanding on Sporting News Radio when it was one on one...Mark Patrick started to grow on me, but after the Facenda voice and the Holtz and Knight impressions he reminded me of the Sports Babe, good schtick but the guests gave you the info, he was there for the ride. I think Patrick would be a great night guy. I have been told his show in Indy is better in the afternoon.

As RVA goes, no company line here, I like Mac a lot, off the air he is the same guy on the air, which is not th case in this industry, he tries hard and is knowledgeable and is able to conced points when they are better than his. He doesn't try to be more than what he is. Of course I rarely get the chance to hear his entire show, but I have liked what I have heard.

So seeing it is the end of the year, and the bold predictions are rolling in, I have to unfortunately not vote here, what are the awards for 2004, from the highlghts to the lowlights. Best shows to worst, things you'd like to see change to things thant should stay the same. Unlike the last election we had, your vote is important!

(if Rome went on for hours and hours about his first hour being cut off by Kornheiser, what's he gonna say about not being on at all?)

I garuntee it will be a topic for a day or two, but I am not so sure he is out of DC altogether.

Dan_Evans (Dan_Evans)
Posted on Sunday, December 12, 2004 - 12:05 pm:   

One of the highlights I would have to say is the oldies coming back to richmond, no offense to anyone, but CC's way of making up for bringing in 106.5 The Beat was letting lite 98 do best of the 60's and 70's weekends, that is NOT a oldies outlet, more of a left handed apology. One other highlight was ESPN radio 950 going on the air, 100.3 has a limited reach, 950 is stronger in wattage to cover the area.

Best LOCAL show talk or sports: Mike Maniscalco, who is one of our board regulars :) What more can I say, once you get to know the show, it's a great 4 hour ride.

Best Music Show: The Bopst Show, now you know why I try to work 5-1 mon-fri now, so I can get home and listen to a lot of unique music.

Worst Moment of the year: Elvis 107.3, it lasted 24 hours, but it was havoc on the listening masses, after a while, hearing the wonder of you gets tiring!

One major improvement would be WCUL going to either a AAA format or a Classic Hits-Hot AC format. Where CC is concered, flip the X to active rock. Take the earlier advice and DUMP Dr Laura for LIONEL. Cox, get Mix 103.7 off the air, flip it to either Rythumic Top 40 or 80's heavy AC.